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Blockprint was a student newspaper published throughout the 1950s-60s. The Mar. 31st issue features the appiontment of Donald M. Lay as Dean of Students, Donald M. Lay Interview reports he plans to work more with students, Newman Club to screen "Ballad of a Soldier" review of Designers in Drama productions "For Spacious Skies", "A Resounding Tinkle", and "Purgatory", frustration mounts over limited term appointments for faculty, film reviews of "The Doll" and "Hush... Hush Sweet Charlotte", critique of city's manipulation of African Americans during slave trade in contrast to peaceful march for all persons, Jean-Leon Destine to perform at RISD, Parent's Day schedule along with other opinion pieces, editorials, and creative writing.



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Providence, Rhode Island


RISD, art school, art college, student newspapers, student publication, appointment, Donald M. Lay, Dean of Students, Newman Club, "Ballad of a Soldier", Designers in Drama, play, "For Spacious Skies", "A Resounding Tinkle", "Purgatory", limited term appointments, faculty, "The Doll", "Hush... Hush Sweet Charlotte", African Americans, Slave trade, Peaceful march, Jean-Leon Destine to perform at RISD, Parent's Day schedule


Aesthetics | Architecture | Art and Design | Art Education | Creative Writing | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Music | Theatre and Performance Studies

Blockprint March 31, 1965



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