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Blockprint was a student newspaper published throughout the 1950s-60s. The Apr. 28th issue reports on the opening of the "ART: USA" exhibition, the March on Washington, Frazier Terrace Spring Exhibition, Spring Folk Concert, Trustee's Meeting announces tenure opportunities for first-time ever, upcoming lectures with musician Mario Davidovsky and Architecture professor Lawrence, Greenwich Ballet to Visit RISD, RI Film Festival, film reviews of "Windjammer", "Scorpio Rising", "The Devil is Dead", "Breathdeath", and "To Parsifal", along with other opinion pieces on unsafe conditions in Refectory building and Bush-Brown's Alumni Weekend speech.



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Providence, Rhode Island


RISD, art school, art college, student newspapers, student publication, "ART: USA", exhibition, March on Washington, Protest, Activism, Washington, DC, Spring Folk Concert, Trustee's Meeting, tenure, tenure-track, faculty appointments, Mario Davidovsky, Architecture professor Lawrence, Greenwich Ballet, Rhode Island, Film Festival, "Windjammer", "Scorpio Rising", "The Deavil is Dead", "Breathdeath", "To Parsifal", unsafe, conditions, Refector, Bush-Brown, Alumni Weekend, speech, designers, artists, Frazier Terrace Spring Exhibition


Aesthetics | Architecture | Art and Design | Art Education | Creative Writing | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Music | Theatre and Performance Studies

Blockprint April 28, 1965



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