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Blockprint was a student newspaper published throughout the 1950s-60s. The Apr. 21st issue highlights an upcoming lectures with art director Martin Freidman and architecture critic Allan Temko, approaching Parent's Day weekend, President Bush-Brown sworn in as National Council on the Arts, a forum with clinical psychologist Harold Musiker, Emilio Vedova speaks at RISD, upcoming Junior-Senior Symposium, call for art at One Benefit Gallery, film review of "The Silence", Professor Alfred E. Hammer to spend leave painting in Virgin Islands, along with opinion pieces.



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Providence, Rhode Island


RISD, art school, art college, student newspapers, student publication, lecture, art director, Walker Art Center, Martin Freidman, architecture, critic, Allan Temko, Parent's Day weekend, President Bush-Brown, National Council on the Arts, forum, clinical psychologist, Harold Musiker, Emilio Vedova, Junior-Senior Symposium, call for art, artist call, One Benefit Gallery, film, review, "The Silence", Professor, Alfred E. Hammer, Virgin Islands


Aesthetics | Architecture | Art and Design | Art Education | Creative Writing | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Music | Theatre and Performance Studies

Blockprint April 21, 1965



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