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Blockprint was a student newspaper published throughout the 1950s-60s. The Mar. 3rd issue features a review of Daniel J. Robbins' lecture, a highlight on Judy Dougan who won 3rd place at Owens-Corning Fiberglass Creative Design Contest, James Laver to lecture at RISD Museum, Spectrum publication to be released, Bush-Brown testifies on four arts bills, student concerns mounting over current events in Vietnam leads to presentation by professor George Fromm, review of New American Realism exhibition in Worcester, Motorcycle Club holds meeting, One Benefit exhibition calls for artwork, along with other opinion pieces, editorials, and creative writing.



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Providence, Rhode Island


RISD, art school, art college, student newspapers, student publication, Daniel J. Robbins, lecture, Judy Dougan, Owens-Corning Fiberglass Creative Design Contest, James Lave, Spectrum, Bush-Brown, arts bills, student concern, current events, Vietnam, George Fromm, New American Realism, Worcester Art Museum, Motorcycle Club, One Benefit, exhibition, call for artwork


Aesthetics | Architecture | Art and Design | Art Education | Creative Writing | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Music | Theatre and Performance Studies

Blockprint March 3, 1965



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