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Blockprint was a student newspaper published throughout the 1950s-60s. The Feb. 17th issue highlights the upcoming lecture with filmmaker Stan Brakhage, an exhibition of work by differently-abled persons at Homer Lounge, Professor Fontaine to teach course for differently-abled students titled “Retardation and the Biogenic Image", Administration forms committie to work with Student Council to address student issues, Spectrum club to create Spring publication, "Communication by Design" exhibition to be on view at RISD Museum, Special Committee on Student Environment releases report, Dr. Bush-Brown elected Director of National Art Council, TAB Nominees Announced, Illustration exhibition to open at RISD Library, Newman Club announces new officers, along with other opinion pieces, editorials, and creative writing.



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Providence, Rhode Island


RISD, art school, art college, student newspapers, student publication, filmmaker, Stan Brakhage, differently-abled persons, Homer Lounge, Administration, Student Council, Spectrum club, "Communication by Design" exhibitioN, Special Committee on Student Environment, report, Dr. Bush-Brow, Director of National Art Council, TAB, Nominees, Take-A-Break, Illustration exhibition, Newman Club


Aesthetics | Architecture | Art and Design | Art Education | Creative Writing | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology | Music | Theatre and Performance Studies

Blockprint February 17, 1965



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