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2019 MLK Series guest speaker, Gina Belafonte lecture The Beloved Community January 8th, 2019 at the Metcalf Auditorium, Chase Center, RISD 7:00 pm. The Center for Social Equity and Inclusion (SEI) welcomes you to a conversation with Gina Belafonte inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s popularized notion of the “Beloved Community,” focusing on the pivotal and complex social issues facing our communities and how we can address them through art making.

Poster designed by FAVOR Design & Communications.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; MLK Series; Equity; Justice; Democracy; Activism; Celebration; Privilege; Service; Learning; Inspiration; Intercultural Student Engagement; Residence Life; Community Service; Center for Student Involvement; Center for Social Equity and Inclusion; SEI; poster
