"May, Mary Quite Contrary" by Jessie Willcox Smith, Colgate & Company et al.


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6 of a set of 12 booklets : illustrations (some color); 9 x 14 cm. Title adapted from covers. 1 of a set of 12 nursery rhyme pamphlets with cover designs and text illustrations adapted from the Jessie Willcox Smith Mother Goose (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., c1914). Part of a Colgate promotional campaign? Good Housekeeping Magazine copyright notice on front covers. Color illustrations on cover; b&w in text. Each booklet is eight numbered pages. Illustrated advertisement for Colgate toothpaste on the pages [2] & [3] of covers. SET CONTENTS: Little Bo Peep -- Jack and Jill went up the Hill -- Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet -- Rain, rain, go away -- Ring around the Rosie -- Mary, Mary, quite contrary -- Curly Locks, Curly Locks, Wilt thou be mine? -- Peter Peter pumpkin eater -- Hush-a-bye-Baby, On the tree top -- One foot up, the foot down -- See Saw, Margery Daw. Each title has "and other Mother Goose Melodies" as a cover sub-title. Chromolithographic cover illustrations. Each booklet stapled binding. Library is missing one of the 12 booklets (There was an old woman who lived in a shoe and other Mother Goose melodies). Curated title for Fleet Library Special Collections exhibition By Hand: Women & Books Exhibit fall, 2021.

Publication Date


Imprint / Year

[New York] : Good Housekeeping Magazine, [1914], Dodd, Meade & Company


Good House Keeping Magazine, Dodd, Meade and Co.


New York


illustration (process); pamphlets; staple bindings; chromolithography; nursery rhymes; children's books; children's literature; poetry; By Hand: Women & Books Exhibit 2021


Book and Paper | Illustration

RISD Fleet Library Catalog Record


May, Mary Quite Contrary



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