"Terminal: The Tragedy of the Great Barrier Reef" by Monika Hedman, Fleet Library et al.


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Publication Date

Winter 1-1-2017


artists' books, Great Barrier Reef, coral reefs, global warming, mass extinction, student artists' book contest, fourth


Book and Paper

Student Status

Undergraduate student

Year of Graduation



Experimental and Foundation Studies

Faculty / Course

Judy Maloney, Design

Materials + Techniques

Acrylic, alcohol ink, rubbing alcohol, acrylic paint, spray paint, laser cutting and etching

Student Narrative

Without a healthy ocean we do not have a healthy planet. The sixth mass extinction is already underway, and corals are only the first victim. The death of the Great Barrier Reef needs to mean something; we need to start fighting global warming before it's too late.

Photo Credit

Mariah Bennett, MDes Interior Architecture, 2018

Terminal: The Tragedy of the Great Barrier Reef



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