Artists' Books

Avalanche Safety Book

Avalanche Safety Book

Casey Gardner
Special Collections, Rhode Island School of Design
Fleet Library, Rhode Island School of Design


1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations Title from cover; imprint from colophon. "Written, drawn, printed and bound by the artist"--Colophon. Limited edition of 50 copies. Letterpress printed accordion-bound folios with pamphlet-stitched interior booklets. Printed on a Vandercook 4 with photo-polymer plates and carved linoleum. Two digitally printed, hand-bound fascicles. Covers are cloth-cornered davey board. Typefaces: Cheltenham, Kabel, Gill Sans, Futura, and Bodoni. Paper: Moulin du Gué, Zerkall Book, and Curious Metallic. "This book, through a story of two climbers, explores human vulnerability and vision in navigating physical and existential risks. The story reflects our era of environmental peril and the blind path of progress toward our own potential destruction. Nature's perpetual change, unexposed tendencies and infinite interconnections are touchstones of human desire. It is a story of joy and despair woven in wilderness. Narrative layers investigate the inescapable reliance of humans on nature's infinite complexities. Graphics portray snowflake crystallography, history, geology, and avalanche dynamics." -- From artist's statement on Abecedarian Gallery website, viewed Oct .14, 2021 Cover printed in light blue, blue, and red. Red fabric corners on front and back cover. Library has copy no. 20, signed by the artist.