Artists' Books
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artists' books; poems; sewing boxes
1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations . Limited edition of 12 copies signed and numbered by the artist. Pages sewn in fold cloth wrapper. Set in Goudy Old Style. Screen printed. "Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson's poem was published in Caroling Dusk: An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets (1927)".--Cf. Colophon. "Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson's poem is in the voice of a woman, during WW1, who wishes she were doing something more active to help the soldiers, rather than sitting and sewing. The book's format is modelled on a WW1 'housewife,' a soldier's sewing kit. As it unfolds, the viewer will find sewing tools and eventually the text."--Cf. Vamp & Tramp website. Tri-fold cloth wrapper, with buttons, straight pins, safety pins, sewing needles, thread card, mounted scissors either sewn or pinned to the wrapper. Includes embroidery, mounted lace and linens. Library has copy no. 5.
RISD Fleet Library Catalog Record
Kingston, Ontario : Transformer Press, 2019.
©Kingston, Ontario : Transformer Press, 2019.
Materials / Techniques
wrappers (containers); buttons (fasteners); safety pins; straight pins; needles (piercing tools); scissors; embroidery (visual works); paper
17 x 12 cm