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Metcalf Auditorium, Chace Center-RISD Museum, 20 North Main Street, Providence, RI


Megan Valanidas is a designer and researcher at Brown University. She holds a BA in fine and studio arts from the University of Arizona and an MA in industrial and product design from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). Valanidas has been a sustainable futures instructor at RISD where she has taught industrial design with a focus on research. In addition, Valandias has been a science educator, focusing on sustainable farming.

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.mp4 video


Aug 24th, 3:55 PM Aug 24th, 4:10 PM

Artist Presentation | Megan Valanidas (US)

Metcalf Auditorium, Chace Center-RISD Museum, 20 North Main Street, Providence, RI

Megan Valanidas is a designer and researcher at Brown University. She holds a BA in fine and studio arts from the University of Arizona and an MA in industrial and product design from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). Valanidas has been a sustainable futures instructor at RISD where she has taught industrial design with a focus on research. In addition, Valandias has been a science educator, focusing on sustainable farming.