Date of Award

Spring 6-4-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture (MArch)




This thesis started out as an investigation to my hometown, Houston Texas. With that inquisition, comes the underlying historic infrastructure developments coming to light. After extensive research, I concurred that Houston’s lack of safe walk-ability and car-centric mentality within the urban context segregates many communities within the metro expanse.

Despite Houston’s reputation for ever-widening roads and an unwavering devotion to the vehicle, many of the city’s neighborhoods have considerable populations without access to a car.

I plan to institute a cheaper alternative of a change over time interventions being implemented within the context to aid the cyclist/pedestrian/metro rider in a safe, quicker manner to combat the use of a vehicle.

My proposal focuses on making designed street improvements and circuit connections in existing infrastructure as a way to allow residents to access amenities via walkable modes, foster a new culture of street life, and jump start community interactions.



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