"Generative image systems and emergent play" by Travess Smalley

Date of Award

Spring 6-4-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Digital Media

First Advisor

Shona Kitchen

Second Advisor

Clement Valla

Third Advisor

Fletcher Bach


Generative Image Systems and Emergent Play is a collection of writings around generative creative processes and the emergent outcomes that can develop from simple systems. The generative systems I utilize in my practice are explored in this writing through the lenses of Instructional Art, Generative Art, Chance and Randomness, the Xerox, Computer Programming, and Emergent Play in games. These texts are a statement about my computational art practice and research, and they explore what it means to create with generative systems inside of other designer’s programs.


View exhibition online: Travess Smalley, Pixel Rugs



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