Date of Award

Spring 6-4-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Jewelry and Metalsmithing

First Advisor

Timothy Veske-McMahon

Second Advisor

Tracy Steepy

Third Advisor

Joy Ko


Zoomorphic Amalgamation: Speculative Devices for Alternative Communication is a series of speculative works that assist introverts re-adapting in the extro-oriented society. The work serves as a lens to challenge and question the authority afforded to extroverts in contemporary society, and aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of introverted personality. As a person with an introverted personality, the thesis project draws upon personal experience and to reflect on the current bias and stereotype of characteristics that common to the introverts.

By integrating technological sensors and microcontrollers, the works are created to help the wearer express insecurity, at the same time providing a facsimile of confidence, relaxation, and recharging experience within the duration of wearing. Through interactive engagement the devices embody the connection between the wearer and the observer, and aim to visualize the discomfort of social interaction through forms of movement, sound, and color shift in reference to the defensive behaviors of animals and insects.


View exhibition online: Yuta Yang, Zoomorphic Amalgamation



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