"The color of stress" by Jiemin Park

Date of Award

Spring 6-4-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Jocelyne Prince

Second Advisor

Rachel Berwick

Third Advisor

Tristan Duke


This thesis examines the physical and emotional process by which stress in glass can be visualized through color by using a polarization effect.

A conceptual account of three different projects using this process of discovering and revealing the colors of stress hidden within clear glass will be addressed. The mainstays that catalyze the visual metaphor of extreme stress and beauty are; the making process, evidence of the making process and the polarization effect. These two contradictory concepts of beauty and stress are central to this thesis.


View exhibition online: Jiemin Park, The color of stress

Included in

Glass Arts Commons



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