Date of Award

Spring 6-4-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Shana Cinquiemani


What this is is a candid and current interpretation of thoughts and findings from the collection of resources I was fortunate enough to have encountered throughout my time here. Some of these writings are written specifically for artists, some for arts educators, some for designers and activists, and even some on psychotherapy.

All these topics bouncing off each other, as I read them with the same questions, generated their own unique sentiment. I feel like I’m just beginning to understand what this is, and will share as best I can what I do understand so far.

There is still so much more to understand.

Already from this first interpretation, I feel I have so much to work through in my active design practices... I can’t wait to get back to work.

Included in

Art Education Commons



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