Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Kevin Zucker

Second Advisor

Angela Dufresne

Third Advisor

Jackie Gendel


I make landscape and figurative paintings and prints that explore the symbiosis between the sublime and the quotidian. My work is guided by a theory of the sublime that is rooted in divine indifference, the notion that the divine attracts what it initially repels and that absence is presence. Much of my imagery is pulled from a cross country archive of personal photographs and a no-brow collection of film stills. Drawing comparisons between these sources and the ongoing history of landscape, I denaturalize subjects through a painterly appropriation of cinematic sensibilities in order to destabilize a fixed gaze, foster a slow sense of pace and embed an ambivalent characterization of place. The transient figures, animals and apparitions are personified limbs of the natural and urban landscapes that they traverse, wrestling with false ideologies and wobbly sentiments of faith.


View exhibition online: Sean Walker Hutton, Things that ignore

Included in

Painting Commons



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