Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master in Interior Architecture [Adaptive Reuse]


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Jonathan Bell

Second Advisor

Markus Berger

Third Advisor

Julia Bernert


The Longchang Apartments, which the British designed during the Shanghai Concession Period, is considered a building of great historical importance. However, the disconnected relationship between this historic building and the ever-developing modern society surrounding it becomes more and more evident over time. The backward living conditions of residents and management fail to meet contemporary needs, which intensifies various conflicts between different user groups within the historic site.

This thesis proposes a different way of living in high density within historic structures and explores a new program focusing on user groups’ behavior and interaction to activate the site. The adaptive reuse of Longchang Apartments re-organizes the interior according to programmatic requirements for privacy, and the inner courtyard is opened to the urban context as a public space that enhances a relaxing atmosphere and brings residents and visitors together through the outdoor cinema with a community cafe zone and a historical overview of the site.

As a response to the conditions required for the survival of historical buildings in contemporary society, integrating this historical building and heritage community with contemporary life helps the residents maintain an effective co-living environment. Simultaneously, the new openness provides visitors with more intuitive guidance through the building's new urban space to create a more harmonious open community environment.



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