Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Patricia Johnson

Second Advisor

Damian White

Third Advisor

John Dunnigan


We’ve come to live our lives on a quest for what we deem as efficiency, but has our view on the matter been focused on the wrong measures? Taking Care investigates efficiency utilizing a variety of different comparative measures through the creation of 8 chairs. When our emphasis on certain variables is shifted, is mass production the most efficient means of making? What about one-off production utilizing local materials? Does industry’s approach to ergonomics focus on efficiencies benefitting the employer while sacrificing those of the employee? Working from a Wendell Berry quote contrasting care to efficiency as a point of departure, this thesis seeks to question our obsession with efficiency, and further asks the question, is what we have come to know as efficiency, efficient in the first place?


View exhibition online: John Dixon, TAKING CARE



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