Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture (MArch)



First Advisor

Jess Myers

Second Advisor

Ijlal Muzaffar


How to abstractly reconstruct features of "water" in the digital realm and create new way of visual expression through virtual spatial experiences?

Just like painters using brushes, poets using rhymes, musicians using melodies and dancers using body movements, this project tries to explore the possibility of digital tools for designers to develop a new apparatus of art making process.

Choosing WATER as the main subject is based on its ubiquity and neutrality. When we encounter a body of water, we see a manifestation of natural forces, a reflection of ever-changing environments, and a testimony of human intervention. There are lots of potentials to explore and history has left us enormous masterpieces to study from. By looking at artworks about water from different times and cultures, I gradually develop my own strategy for water expression.


View exhibition online: Jiaqi Zhang, Water Inspired Spaces

Included in

Architecture Commons



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