Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Graphic Design

First Advisor

James Goggin

Second Advisor

Paul Soulellis

Third Advisor

Benjamin Shaykin


Design Syncopations is an inquiry into space and intervention. Central to this work, is the orchestration of scenarios to prompt visual, auditory, and physical engagement. My background as a musician strongly informs this practice as I borrow from and disassemble musical structures—time, rhythm, composition, and counterpoint. Through designed prompts and invitations, I incorporate musical themes of chance and improvisation, setting up programs, altering spaces, and interrupting existing conditions. Working at the intersection of sound and design allows me to conduct audience-led musical performances, reprogram gallery spaces, and collaborate with artists and musicians. The ensemble of works adds up to a sequence of experiences and syncopation of attitudes.



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