Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)


Landscape Architecture

First Advisor

Elizabeth Dean Hermann

Second Advisor

Claire Fellman


This thesis has focused on creating a localized response to a global problem related to globalization and fast fashion. Both our amount of post-production waste and the carbon footprint left by the garment industry’s response to a global desire for novelty and affordability, and their dependence on cheap labor, loose environmental regulations, distributed raw materials and production, and markets far from places of manufacturing has created an unethical and unsustainable supply chain model.

The strategy proposed here began with one of the places that receives much of the world’s garment waste. As a country that both produces these garments and is paid to receive other countries’ waste, and as a country with a serious lack of raw materials needed for erosion control and construction. The thesis aims to revitalize the garment waste, and transform them into a new framework( a new supply chain model, substitution of traditional construction material, ecological mitigation and revitalization of rural villages) for future landscape development which would potentially motivate the perception of sustainability on economy, ecology and culture.



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