"Living and alive : homeless shelter design" by Zixu Wang

Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master in Interior Architecture


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Heinrich Hermann

Second Advisor

Francesca Liuni

Third Advisor

Markus Berger


Homelessness is a major social problem in the United States. The number of people who are living without a decent shelter is rising daily throughout the country. The problem of homelessness affects various groups in society, including the elderly, children, youths, and middle-aged adults. Recent studies have shown that the percentage of teens and youths who are experiencing homelessness has reached an alarming rate. The homeless adolescent group is defined as teens aged between 13 and 19 years. This rise in homelessness in this population group demands immediate attention, particularly older teens from 15 to 18 years of age. This study seeks to create a new model of shelter through a combination of spatial arrangements and special programs.

For those teens who are born with low-income family conditions or housing pressure who have no choice but to be homeless, it is our society's responsibility to give them a better choice and brighter future. There are many ways to help homeless teenagers and change their lives now. The model will be based on the analysis of the specific housing needs of young people facing homelessness. Existing shelter models most often concentrate on the housing problem of the broadest group of the homeless population. This solution, however, will use a space layout that suits the way of life of the teens, by meeting, all the daily needs of teenagers in a limited space, such as housing, diet, activities, health consultation.

The most important of these is mental health in this user group. Through research on teenagers, it is found that in addition to the conditions needed for shelter, what they need most is related to psychological counseling. Housing is only the first step. In the existing shelter, it is more about just helping homeless people solve their housing problems. This project is to create a new model of shelter through a combination of reasonable spatial arrangements and special programs. The special arrangement provides a very highly utilized space with the limitation of the square footage, helps them with their mental and physical health, and also respects the relationship between personal space and public. The program of the exhibition will take place in the public area on the first floor. In this way, the teen will regain the respect and understanding of society by showing the public their valuable and creative works.



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