Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master in Interior Architecture


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Markus Berger

Second Advisor

Julia Bernert

Third Advisor

Heinrich Hermann


What is the feel like to be a successful artist?

Works being appreciated,being valuable,become famous all over the world?

But what is under? What is behind? The audience seems never to know the story as well as the artworks.

Take an example. When you look at The Scream of Edward Munch, what do you see?

A melting image, a disgusting face, or the derived emoji, which is so popular on the SNS?

What's really behind the painting is Edward Munch's illness, and decades of struggling under sickness, madness, and death.

Most times, when the audience enjoys painting, the imagination can lead to empathy between the audience's emotions and the work, which somehow may help the audience understand the work. Even if you know nothing about the background story, you can still catch the spirit,whether it's dark or light, depressed, or brightful.

But how do you extend that feeling to an abstract artwork?

That is what I'm trying to explore in this thesis---Making the chosen works readable.



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