Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture (MArch)



First Advisor

Amy Kulper

Second Advisor

Daniel Ibañez

Third Advisor

Ryan McCaffrey


Due to the rapid development of informal settlements, essential urban conditions such as public spaces, infrastructure, and amiable living conditions are lacking from the urban context. These hyperly urban communities lack an overall organizational strategy that preserve their successes i.e. human scale, community interrelations, hyper functionality while addressing its downfalls organic chaotic growth and lack of general systems.

Conventional design and planning used in “formal’ urban spaces focus on long lasting strokes of urbanisation, this means that the built geography moves slow, and are designed for this slow pace changing. Informal Settlements are dynamic and perpetually rearranging themselves to suit the needs of the user/s. This calls for informal methods of tactics that address issues such as the relationship between public space, and the existing housing counterpart, waste collection, essential programmatic gaps, energy production, and water management in ways that does not involve removing, cutting or clearing.

Therefore it is necessary to have an alternative mode of intervention that introduces new tactics of addressing informal settlements problematiques. The goal is to improve living conditions for the occupants, while still maintaining the experiential essense of the urban fabric within the settlement itself. These interventions would be small in scale, and will start a conversation pertaining to space activation within the informal fabric, and would redefine the language of current spaces.

Included in

Architecture Commons



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