Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Chris Specce

Second Advisor

Ian Stell

Third Advisor

Jean Lin


My thoughts and behaviors are influenced by a compulsive disorder. Observing this, I’ve learned how much my outlook can be shaped by my own ritualistic patterns. I live with a heightened sense of awareness toward my particular compulsions which has shaped how I see the world. In this thesis writing and collection of designed objects, I am seeking to further explore my own experience with compulsive thoughts and behaviors, unpacking how they manifest in the day-to-day, how they direct my perception, and ultimately how they serve as a driving force behind my design process. By observing these tendencies and articulating the source of my convictions, I’m laying bare the process by which I design and hoping to develop a better understanding of which aspects of my design approach lead to compelling results and which become obstacles. This writing takes on a spirit of self exploration and is intended to be an ever-evolving tool for refining my approach to design.



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