Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master in Interior Architecture [Adaptive Reuse]


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Jonathan Bell

Second Advisor

Markus Berger

Third Advisor

Jeffrey Katz


In a building like a pavilion, the walls are abstracted into pillars, and this hollowed -out design aesthetically reflects the concept of negative space in Asian aesthetics. The creation of the field is not by the enclosure of wall, but through the radiation of the pavilion’s spirit to create a negative space with fuzzy boundaries. If the spirits which dwell in the pavilion cannot radiate outward but must be contained within, visitors will not see this buildings, but sculptures form.

What is fascinating about architecture is that it can divide the space so that people enter and feel the effects of this division. In contrast to what I propose the completely enclosed space creates a break from human society to nature. Hegel wrote that, man is nature against nature itself . For any container, the empty part is for human use, but only if it is surrounded by the container. Such as in the adaptive renovation of the building, the emptiness and desolation of the ruins, as well as the beauty brought by the huge volume represent the empty. The reintegration of the original architectural structure in nature reshapes the role of the physical field . The texture of a wall, the taste of wind, and the intensity of sunshine are all integrated elements that constitute the integrity of the field , and as such the connection with nature cannot be broken.

The sense of space in adaptive reuse can be extended into a sense of time and rhythm. It is in the process of processing and shaping architectural space that people identify their emotions and ideals. The way we look at things, the way we behave, and the way we think all depend on the depth of the field in which we live. The depth of the field affects people to have different conceptions of an original object or architectural space and its value reflects our consideration and respect for the space in architecture.



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