Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master in Interior Architecture


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Jehanzeb Shoaib

Second Advisor

Jackie Delamatre


Advocating for a transformative shift, the following proposes a new cultural setting that fosters diverse voices and dialogue, moving away from the singular narratives imposed by traditional curator-visitor dynamics. By drawing inspiration from nature's complexity and mirroring museums with ecosystems, the aim of this thesis is to emulate the adaptability and interconnectedness of natural ecosystems to develop flexible and inclusive environments, encouraging community engagement and shared learning experiences. This new design paradigm fosters a deeper connection with nature and other beings despite the physical separation. Embracing the collaboration and flexibility of nature, cultural institutions can regain relevance as vibrant centers for cultural exchange and collective inspiration.

Museums, originally conceived as showcases of power and prestige, now are disconnected from contemporary life. They offer a rigid and standardized experience that fails to engage visitors on an individual level. In a 2023 survey by American Alliance of Museums (AMM) two-thirds of participating museums reported a 30% decrease in visitors1 since 2020.

Exploring a new biodesign approach to spatial design and progressive education principles, the intention is to create more human-centered and inclusive cultural spaces. This research envisions this new typology of museum as a dynamic hub for co-creation, discussion and exploration while understanding exhibitions as tools that promote communication rather than just for display.

This is a siteless thesis, as the goal is to emphasize the value of the iterative process and constant communication necessitated by co-creation, once again mirroring the permanent state of transformation of nature. The result will be a speculative mixed-media collage that demonstrates nature-inspired design principles, allowing for an imaginative exploration of the future of museums. Providing visual guidance, this resource aims to open a discussion around the role of museums in society and the role of designers to create inclusive environments that foster connection and understanding. In the future, the exercise of translating and collaging proposed in this book could be developed as a platform for collaborative exploration, where designers can share their own insights, ideas and experiences, enriching the collective understanding of nature-inspired design principles for exhibition design.

  1. 1AMM, Annual National Snapshot of United States Museums



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