Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Graphic Design

First Advisor

Lucy Hitchcock

Second Advisor

Nancy Skolos

Third Advisor

Alicia Cheng


Never Real Historians is a graphic inquiry into how surfacing hidden histories can lead to a liberatory and layered design practice. It is both a record of my process and a template for future making and future ancestors. Mining inheritance can be an ambiguously murky territory, full of contradictions, collisions, and tension between the past and present. My hope is that this thesis functions as a model of navigating that terrain, by interacting with storied objects and ephemera, in order to revive forgotten and marginalized histories. By re-examining my own shared and personal inheritances, as an American woman designer living and working between Providence and New York (2021-2024), the work is a visible commitment to elevate matrilineal history and integrate historically dismissed practices of craft, collection, and decoration....



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