Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Jocelyne Prince

Second Advisor

Rachel Berwick

Third Advisor

Alexandra Foradas


At the intersection of glass, photography and sound lies issues of perspective, framing, and information. These factors as well as the conceptual space between object and image offer an opportunity to explore the way we register narrative through contradicting signifiers. Glass historically has been used as an instrument to reveal spaces, moments, and phenomena previously imperceptible to the human eye. This rendering of previously unseen spaces through language, technology or vision, may work to reorient the viewers’ perspective and allow for a new understanding of the world. The power of disruption as a potential catalyst is central to my studio practice. In my thesis I explore the optical, and elusive nature of glass, as an interruption to our contemporary hastened understanding of images and media, while also exploring glass sculpture and photography as containers for narrative which celebrate chance, failure, the relinquishing of expectations, and reorientation.



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