Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Digital Media

First Advisor

Shona Kitchen

Second Advisor

Clement Valla

Third Advisor

Ben Hooker


This paper traces the process of digitizing artwork, exploring the image processing techniques involved in digitizing art, including image compression, pixel technology, and display. It examines the complex relationship between digital and physical spaces, questioning the approach of digitizing various forms of art—ranging from traditional media to digital works—in the same manner to preserve and increase accessibility. Additionally, the paper discusses how these image-processing methods reflect and impact socioeconomic values.

Also, this paper covers JPEG compression methods, the form and history of pixels, the displays that materialize images, and additionally, the Image generator tool in AI in the appendix. It analyzes how these image-processing technologies are connected to and influence our visual experiences, values, and modes of existence. Ultimately, it argues that digital space and technology are deeply intertwined with physical reality and socioeconomic systems, challenging the concept of digital neutrality. This calls for a critical examination of how these technologies affect our understanding and experience of art, urging readers to consider the broader implications of digitization in the art world.



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