Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Taylor Baldwin

Second Advisor

Benjamin Jurgensen

Third Advisor

Gail Dodge


This thesis is an exercise in, perhaps a futile, attempt to trace just some of the ideas, stories, and musings I might meander through in my process. It’s not quite a map, nor is it a neat catalogue; it is a haphazard collection of tickets and receipts from a travel abroad, carelessly tossed in a carry-on, only to be stashed upon returning home. These ideas are derived from much greater thinkers and authors than myself; I am a mere collector or a translator, if that, and not a very good one, for much is lost. I do not claim comprehensive knowledge of any of the subjects discussed here— instead, it is the gaps in my understanding and the bemusement thereof that serve as an impetus for my work. There is a sense of comfort in embracing the chaos, recognizing that fact is not always truth, and some thing shall never be known.



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