Date of Award

Spring 6-3-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Design (MDes) in Interior Studies / Adaptive Reuse


Interior Architecture

First Advisor

Heinrich Hermann


As cities continue to develop and become denser, carbon emissions are increasing, causing the Earth's temperature to rise and accelerating climate change. Construction and buildings account for about 40%-50% of the causes of carbon emissions, in addition to the embodied energy of the materials used. This thesis proposes a sustainable toolkit of greening strategies that can be applied to countless existing buildings, consisting of elements to create a green facades, green walls, and energy efficiency systems. Because the majority of carbon emissions occur during the demolition of old and construction of new buildings, the top priority should be to avoid demolition altogether and instead to improve the energy efficiency of old buildings. As a test case for applying the sustainable tool kit of greening strategy I have chosen one wing of the Nakwon Arcade complex in Seoul, South Korea. The Nakwon Arcade is the first generation of musical instrument shopping malls. Because this building is a typical Korean arcade style complex, a my sustainable toolkit strategies can be applied and installed in numerous buildings of the same or related construction systems. The project aims to demonstrate that sustainable design is not only possible but also essential for the future of our planet. The sustainable components I propose to install on the exterior will reduce carbon emissions and increase the efficiency of older buildings. This will have a great direct impact on the city's microclimate, and together these modified buildings can reduce carbon emissions to a greater extent, creating a solution that can slow down climate change.



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