Date of Award

Spring 6-3-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Anais Missakian

Second Advisor

Mary Anne Friel

Third Advisor

Anna Gitelson-Kahn


My work explores themes of identity politics, domesticity, land and memory access - in relation to my own lived experiences as a Palestinian refugee, a daughter of a missing war casualty and an artist.

In this thesis book, I present a cumulation of thoughts, emotions and findings, along with a selection of works from the last two years.

During my time at the Rhode Island School of Design, messenger pigeons took over my studio, channeling physical and mental realms of grief and remembrance. By looking closely at the bird’s aesthetics and behaviorisms in my first semester, their resting deceased bodies in the second and third, I developed a better understanding of my relationship to mark-making, displacement and trauma. In my final thesis and closing of a life chapter, these birds and all the meaning they carry, land and disappear into a deep dark immersive environment; a water body that drowns yet grounds me firmly in my continual search of inaccessible connections.


View exhibition online: Dina Khorchid, Land, Untitled



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