Date of Award

Spring 6-3-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr. Shana Cinquemani

Second Advisor

Dr. Courtnie Wolfgang

Third Advisor

Professor Mike Fink


Design(ing) and Design Thinking are valuable frameworks that should be used to drive agency: This thesis explores what design and design thinking are and builds a case for incorporating design into art education.

Design isn’t a mainstream subject of study in public school curricula. Design offers a unique body of knowledge that is highly relevant to the inner-workings of our world: knowledge imperative to teach if we want to succeed in solving wicked problems like global warming and mitigating global injustices. Studying design allows students to connect academic learning to the world outside the ivy, bridging the gap between the natural world and what is considered human intelligence, and finding self-actualization. Design thinking trains students to think critically, work together, and, most importantly, to ACT, instilling a sense of agency within. Design and design thinking lend themselves to be neatly applied through art education.


View exhibition online: Seva Simone, Design: A Path to Agency, Design thinking

Included in

Art Education Commons



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