Date of Award

Spring 6-3-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Megan Foster

Second Advisor

Sarah Hulsey

Third Advisor

Sean Salstrom


Unreachable memories always surround me. I've been trying to extract logical parts from my chaotic memories, hoping to find a connection with the world within the soundless, intangible black fireworks stored in my retina under the grand fireworks display. When I first encountered intaglio printmaking, I impulsively drew subconscious memories on the plate, arranging them along some chaotic storylines. Gradually, I realized that I needed to create my own logical structure. So I started using specific visual symbols and repeating them, using the repetition of the printmaking process to search for logical clues. Printmaking with its special rhythm allowed me to rediscover the connection with the world in the repetitive process of image making. The stability brought by this connection made me believe more in my intuition and thinking.


View exhibition online: Sihan (Mia) Zhu, I Buried the Fireworks under the Tree



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