Date of Award

Spring 6-3-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Graphic Design

First Advisor

Ramon Tejada

Second Advisor

Douglass Scott

Third Advisor

Kelsey Elder


Particular Proceedings is the outcome of an ongoing quest to understand the origins and motivations of my creative process as a designer.

By continuously pairing early influences and experiences — such as architecture and woodworking — with recurring interests, I gather a view of my methods and, with that, a reframing of my affinity for designing: an intimate relation between material, maker, and content, with meaning often arising out of that process.

In this thesis, I demonstrate, through projects, conversations, and essays, how this relation operates in different scenarios and through different lenses of inquiry. I alternate perspectives, repurpose ordinary materials, and reshape actions between myself and different tools and techniques by crafting graphic forms: posters, typography, books, videos, and objects.


View exhibition online: Ingrid Schmaedecke, Particular Proceedings



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