Academic Commons Program
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2014
For their ACP project, Mimi Cabell, now Assistant Professor in Foundation Studies, and Phoebe Stubbs, MFA Glass 2011, surveyed, analyzed, and evaluated how writing is taught in art and design schools, including RISD. They conducted interviews with faculty, students, and alumni at RISD, Brown, CalArts, SAIC, and The New School in the US, and faculty, students, alumni, scholars, and editors at Goldsmiths, Writing Purposefully in Art and Design (Writing PAD; writing-pad.org), and the journal FR David, among other European institutions. Their goal was to examine the various pedagogical roles of writing and the sites and structures of writing instruction in art schools and to assess them based on faculty and student experience and outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Stubbs, Phoebe and Cabell, Miriam, "Working with Words: Writing Pedagogy in Art and Design Education" (2014). Academic Commons Program. 6.