Academic Commons Program
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2013
Emily Cornell du Houx, RISD post-grad (MFA Sculpture 2012), received an ACP grant to study the written component of the senior degree project at RISD. She interviewed department heads and faculty from every undergraduate department about both practices and perceptions of a senior capstone writing experience. Her study is the first attempt to gather and share Degree Project writing practices among departments. It prompted a series of recommendations for Academic Affairs and for department heads and faculty seeking to develop DP writing pedagogy to support art and design inquiry, documentation, and articulation. While enrolled at RISD Emily was a Writing Center tutor and a TA for a senior written thesis course. In the 2013-2014 academic year, Emily will continue her work on developing the “DP report” as a post-grad fellow in the Writing Center.
Recommended Citation
Cornell, Emily, "In the Words of the DP: A Study of the Undergraduate Written Thesis" (2013). Academic Commons Program. 4.