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Creation Date

Fall 10-19-2023


Turbulence 2023, Kozo fiber, Mushroom inks: Pisolithis, Coprinopsis atramentaria, 25"x 29"x 2.5". Jill Powers' art explores the aesthetics and science of biological forms within the context of ecological issues. She creates sculptural and installation art with papermaking processes. Her primary material is Kozo fiber. Jill uses traditional papermaking methods for preparing the bark fiber and then applies innovative techniques for beating, opening, and casting the fiber. Jill shows her work internationally and teaches about art and contemplative practices.

Working extensively with kozo for over twenty years has become an obsession with Jill, as she continually expands her use of non-traditional techniques, and pushes the range of what can be done with Kozo.

Shared Obessions | NAHP Members' 2023 Annual Showcase exhibit on view at the RISD Color Lab, 30 North Main St., Providence, RI in conjunction with the opening reception ceremony held on the 2nd floor of the RISD Fleet Library, 15 Westminster St. Providence, RI. Additional work displayed at the RISD Fleet Library.


North American Hand Papermakers, NAHP, annual showcase, Shared Obsessions, Color Lab, Rhode Island School of Design, handmade paper


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