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Student Narrative
This Book focuses on the Income Inequality that women still face throughout today's society and specifically in the workforce. The Gender Wage Gap in the United States has barely improved within the last 20 years, and this book brings focus to the facts and statistics around this issue. Further, it explores the statistics of how these systems effect women's income as well as their place within the American workforce. Despite women accounting for almost half of the workforce, these issues remain prevalent in every industry in the United States.
Publication Date
Entry for the 11th Baker & Whitehill Student Artists' Book Contest. Opening reception and award ceremony Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 6:30pm, Fleet Library, Main Reading Room. Juror: Roger S. Williams.
artists' books; Baker & Whitehill
Book and Paper
Student Status
Undergraduate student
Year of Graduation
Experimental and Foundation Studies
Faculty / Course
Martie Holmer; EFS Design
Materials + Techniques
Ink, paper, colored pencil, board
Recommended Citation
Korczynski, Mikayla; Collections, Special; and Library, Fleet, "The Price of Being a Women" (2024). 11th Baker & Whitehill Student Artists' Book Contest 2025. 23.