Aha! Vivat Homo Sapiens
Agnieszka Taborska, James Bewley, Szymon Bojko, Conrad Armstrong, Vincent Balistrieri, Heidi Bochain, Sarah Brown, Vale Bruck, Lily Burickson, Marin de Charette, Sarah Dungan, Edie Faig, Matthew Fairbank, Amy Feldman, Jon Fernandez, Hal Forsstrom, Andrea Hackman, Leon Imas, Sherman Kew, Lara Kurtaman, Bri McDonnell, Lauren Nassef, Jesse M. Ragan, Allen Spetnagel, Adam Stanforth, Jenny Vovolvski, Ariana White, and Chris Yates
Program for the twelfth and final annual RISD Cabaret held in the Cellar at the top of the Waterman Building.
Astonish Me! Recalling the Cabaret Spirit
Agnieszka Taborska, Dawn Danby, Ian Freeman, Eric Urban, Hyun Hee Cho, Marin de Charette, Matthew Cottam, Carolyn Gehrig, Matthew Heitel, Aimee Estilow, Sarah Rundlett, Robert Van Varick, Issak Tobin, Antoine Revoy, Lee Savage, Erica Wolf, Kevin Lang, Allison Brabee, Hyun-Suk Kim, Helen Lee, Marco Cimatti, and Nicholas Fuhrer
Program for the 1999 RISD Wintersessoin Cabaret intiated by the "Image and Word" class in collaboration with students of RISD Cabaret 1998 and held at AS220. The presentation was conceived and performed in homage and celebration of past RISD Cabaret shows 1987-1998. Graphic Design: Ron Winter, Ji-Ho Sohn and Eric Urban.
The Cabaret of Dead Souls: Harvesting Russian History
Agnieszka Taborska, Jake Mahaffy, Szymon Bojko, Gella Alhassid, So-Hee Cheong, Matthew Cottam, Dawn Danby, Lorreine Fedor, Andrew Gardner, Carl Henschel, Michael Hoard, Kevin Lang, Eric Leichner, Michael Libby, April Lin, Pia Restina, Markus Reyes, James Sanders, Nicholas Scappaticci, Brett Shagen, Michael Shih, Aika Tong, and Araby Williams
Program for the eleventh annual RISD Cabaret held in the Cellar at the top of the Waterman Building. Graphic design: Mia Moran, Matt Murphy, James Wynn and Katia Popova.
The Beat Generation
Agnieszka Taborska, Paula Hunter, Steven L. Jobe, James O. Barnhill, Helen Lee, Joshua Waldman, Nishira Fitzgerald, Brendan Meilman, Ismael Lawall, Zach Pitt-Smith, Kevin Walker, Tamara Carroll, Rhon Porter, Maleese Schick, Rhody Azcueta, Kevin Umbricht, Matthew Curry, Jee-Eun Kim, Michelle Lee, Marisa Nealon, Karelle Levi, Hilary Riley, Simon Potter, and Antoinette le Vaillant
Program for the tenth annual RISD Cabaret held in the Waterman Building, top floor coinciding "with the fiftieth anniversary of the year when Allen Ginsburg, William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac first met and started a movement which changed the face of postwar American and influenced the 1960s as well as the subculture of the '70s and '80s." Program, poster and tickets designed by Antoinette le Vaillant.
Ubu Roi
Agnieszka Taborska, Sylvie Toux, Joseph Silva, Marisa Nealon, Jeremy Siew, Matt DeSmith, Helen Lee, Roslyn Wiria, Janine L. Burt, Matt Moreau, Jessica Guarino, Kathy Leung, Jennifer Norton, Mutsuko Kasai, Raoul Kim, Simon Potter, Jenny Tu, and Pei-Ju Chuang
Program for the nineth annual RISD Cabaret held in the Waterman Building commemorating the 100th anniversary of the premier of Alfred Jarry's 1896 play, "Ubu Roi". Graphic design: Matt DeSmith and Vivian Law.
Here Comes Grosz
Agnieszka Taborska, Szymon Bojko, Marc Cannon, Denise Emerson, Aurora Gist-Yochum, Alex Hart, Arthur Jones, Laleh Khorramian, Scott King, Maki Koto, Sarah Kreiger, Ricahrd Lloyd, Luciana Mallozzi, Michael McKenna, Pilar Newton, Heidi Sawyer, Jasmine Winkler, Sue Yoo, Heather Henson, David Medina, Doug Kim, Tara Markus, Hugh Watson, Yoon Cho, Yu-Kyung Chung, Arthur Jones, and Polly Spencer
Program for the eighth annual RISD Cabaret held in Cellar at the top of the Waterman Building. Publicity, posters, cartoons and program designed by Yoon Cho, Yu-Kyung Chung,Arther Jones, Scott King, Richard Lloyd and Polly Spencer.
The Life and Times of Joseph Beuys
Agnieszka Taborska, Marcin Gizycki, Mark Snyder, Margaret Lewis, Julie Strandberg, Maki Koto, Yvonne Roe, Sven Armster, Ting-Ting Lee, Luciana Mallozzi, Lucinda Wolf, Christine Pellicano, James Bewley, Leah Smith, Matthew Saam, Dawn Marie Caulfield, Ellen Godena, Catherine Warner, Roy Fabian, Shirly Whong, Scott King, Megan McLarney, Lucinda Wolfe, and Andrew Feder
Program for the seventh annual RISD Cabaret held in the Waterman Building. Graphic design: Mark Snyder; program editor: Margaret Lewis; program photography: Marcin Gizycki.
The Big Yes and the Little No
Agnieszka Taborska, Steven L. Jobe, David L. Campbell, Christopher F. Lowery, Paul Phillips, Elsie T. Hill, Priscilla Yeh, Adele Abide, Miriam Borchherdt, Dawn Marie Caulfield, Mimi Chung, Daniela Fiss, Hector Gonzalez, Akiko Hamazaki, Sarah R. Kreiger, Luciana L. Mallozzi, Ervin Ramos, Katherine Sheehan, Vanessa Sterbenz, Bruce Jason Tennis, Antanas Vainius, Andrea Winter, Julie Wollaeger, and Ofra Yacobi
Program for the sixth annual RISD Cabaret held in the cellar at the top of the Waterman Building. Design and layout by Nonie Close.
Agnieszka Taborska, Julie Strandberg, Vivienne Cho, Jennifer Delventhal, Yvonne Roe, Yutaka Sho, Tamira Estes, Rosanna Garcia, Mariví González, Diana Brozek, Stephanie Hall, Jennifer Hayward, Dawn Marie, Michelle Regan, James O. Barnhill, Nonie Close, David Duvall, Jay Haon, Christopher Schaie, Michael Weiss, Jeff Southard, Candice Goldfarb, Charity MacDonald, Jennifer Delvanthal, Sylvie Toux, Gabriel Albarelo, Erika Munro, Aaron Abroff, Jay Haon, Olexa, Ian Smith, and Ming Gale
Program for the fifth annual RISD Cabaret held in the Waterman Building. Design and layout by Nonie Close.
The Unknown and Awakening Europe
Agnieszka Taborska, Borys Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz, Daniel Kraft, James O. Barnhill, Paul Andrejco, Bo Joseph, Christopher Kazlauskas, Ralph Kelliher, Timothy McElreath, Sol Armada, Carrie Bloomston, Alice Gould, Courtney Herman-Taylor, Renée Venditti, Treva Offutt, Mylene Santos, Dawn Caulfield, Joshua Wood, Carrie Caldfield, Gabriella Norton, Adriana Spurr, and Hunter Marshall
Program for the fourth annual RISD Cabaret held in the Cellar at the top of the Waterman Building. Design by Daniel Kraft.
The Ox on the Roof (Le Boeuf Sur le Toit)
Agnieszka Taborska, Aleksander F. Wierzbicki, Malcom Coelho, Lucy Bourgealt, John Donalds, Georgy Harvey, Michael J. Townsend, Rene Dimanche Jr., Mila Hermanovski, Marly J. Rogers, Susan Becker, Treva Offutt, Christopher Watts, Michael A. Tashji, Sol Armada, Mark Borok, George Page, Sean P. Oakes, Edward L. Guttman, Susan Unger, Timothy McElreath, Michael Wodkowski, Carsten Stehr, Julie Grass, Andrea Dassow, Julianna Ellman, Lynn Jaworski, Donna Lavalle, Judith Ribicoff, Vivienne Cho, and Matthew McGuire
Program for the third annual RISD Cabaret held in the Cellar of the Providence Art Club. Design and layout by Treva Offutt.
The Golden Age of European Cabaret
Agnieszka Taborska, William Damkoehler, Anne Johnson, Susan Sellers, Georgie Stout, Mark Borok, Michael Zimmerman, Bill Gold, Charles Oestreicher, Edward Guttman, Caroline Provost, Ed Hemingway, Holly Heerens, Eugene Mollica, Susan Unger, Michelle Talbot, Sarah Bishop, Malcom Coelho, Heather Frith, Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine, Jacques Prevert, Don Keefer, Emliy Cohen, Martha Crawford, Susan Becker, Hanns Eisler, Molly Komacker, Vivienne Cho, and Carsten Stehr
Program for the second annual RISD Cabaret held in the Cellar in the Pit. Design and layout by Anne Johnson, Susan Sellers and Georgie Stout.
From St. Petersburg to Krushchev's Boot
James O. Barnhill, Justin Kerr, Edward Guttman, Caroline Provost, Jennifer Bull, Marguerite White, Nancy Bach, Steve Overman, Josh Pearson, Jean Wasil, Mark Borok, Vivienne Cho, Karen Frishmann, Heather Firth, Lisa Hurwitz, Treva Offutt, Beth Whitney, Sarah Bishop, Richard Ross, Cara Reische, Walter Clarke, Rene Dimanche Jr., David Ross, Malcom Coelho, Andrew Sklar, Michael Wodkowski, Susan Ockerse, Paul Scagnetti, Martha Crawford, and Holly Su Heerens
Program for the first annual RISD Cabaret held in Memorial Hall. Design and layout by Justin Kerr.
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