NetWorks RI | RISD Alumni Profiles

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I began working with glass in 1970 because it is an extraordinarily versatile material and I believed that there were endless unexplored possibilities. I still believe this . I employ the vessel as my vehicle of expression because of it’s basic three dimensionality; giving me the possibility of working in 2 and 3 dimensions at once, with endless multiple surfaces and views – both interior and exterior. The structure of my pieces (made up of thousands and thousands of colored glass threads thermally fused together and then formed by hand while hot) and the color are one and the same and this purity is important to me.
Publication Date
color, glass, glass threads, inspiration, music, Pilchuck Glass School, teacher, vessels, NetWorks RI, RISD, alumni
Art and Design
Betsy Hart
Executive Producer
Joseph A. Chazan, M.D.
Recommended Citation
Zynsky, Toots and Goulis, Richard, "Toots Zynsky" (2008). NetWorks RI | RISD Alumni Profiles. 28.