Date of Award

Spring 5-30-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Graphic Design

First Advisor

James Goggin

Second Advisor

Thomas Wedell

Third Advisor

Clement Valla


During a Grad Studio II crit in the spring of 2018, I presented my project Measurements of Space and Time (page 132) and right after I finished, someone said, “This is like interface philosophy.” I didn’t even know what that meant, but it just felt right. At that very moment, I knew Interface Philosophy would be the title of my thesis.

Interface Philosophy was built as much as it was written and designed. Its function is to define “interface philosophy.” To describe interface as a meeting point for communication; philosophy as a cognitive reasoning of structural patterns. What I have constructed is a theory of effect: demonstrating intentional moves, shifts, and strategies that tell complex stories through simple form. Interface Philosophy is a methodology of understanding the mechanics of visual rhetoric and responding to developing contexts.



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