Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Taylor Baldwin

Second Advisor

Derrick Woods Morrow

Third Advisor

Eli Blasko


I would say that I have a preoccupation, as well as a complicated relationship, with “the truth”. I was fortunate enough to be raised (and I use the term raised quite loosely, for I was downright ferrell) by pathological liars. This did an excellent job of preparing me for the world, I understand the deep horror and utter hilarity in life’s condition. I felt as though I was set upon a different path than most of the people I’ve come across. There was no intense disappointment when I was introduced to the ideas of the constructs of time and reality, that nothing is in fact real, but just one’s perception of things. There is no line between fact and fiction. This work is a fable. In the south, the truth is so exaggerated that it no longer bears any resemblance to fact, and tales hold more factuality than science textbooks. This story was told to me as a child. Or at least I think it was. I don’t actually recall it being told to me… and I have no idea how the characters are related to me… and I’m absolutely sure I didn’t make it up. And that’s exactly what I am interested in….the complicated relationships between our emotions and what we deem to be “real”.



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