Date of Award

Spring 6-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Anais Missakian

Second Advisor

Anna Gitelson-Kahn

Third Advisor

Brooks Hagen


As we journey into an increasingly virtual and intangible reality, is there an opportunity for our tactile fabrics to journey with, and even reorient us? Can they exist in our future worlds to remind us of the value of current traditional, low-tech practices that we may soon forget?

Referencing the fundamental fabric languages of knitted and woven structures, this collection of garments, that I term “Earthsuits,” embody the stages of metamorphosis as we adjust to a new phase of our perceptive reality. With an emphasis on circling, we loop through virtual squares like screens and pixels, to the circles of the physical world—organic life cycles and saris.

Inspired by the transformation of the silkworm (from egg, through larva and cocoon, to moth) and the long tradition of woven saris in India (a flat, five-meter long rectangle wrapped around the body), I present these textile constructions as portable, nomadic objects for a speculative future.



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