Date of Award

Spring 5-26-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Katy Schimert

Second Advisor

Lesley Baker

Third Advisor

Yoko Inoue


i have been exploring, researching and observing what influences affect a space within the traditions, rituals, food, thoughts and behavior. what happens when that space of comfort disappears and changes? through a series of work that waits, melts, merges, and exaggerates in am attempt to find its place. as i borrow objects and movements from daily life observing my surroundings and extracting mundane things that take on different forms whether exaggerated or unidentifiable. this recent culmination of work over the two years at risd look at objects and spaces of waiting, discomfort, longing and sharing. our behavior is affected by our surroundings and the systems put in place, and through certain playful scenes, these two are merged together, allowing the viewer to question what we choose to hold on to and give value and what might be overlooked. the work in this book focuses on a few aspects that have been reoccuring in my work from packaging material to objects waiting for their turn to acts of waiting.



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