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For the past 10 years, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Series has been host to scholars, writers, artists and activists. This year, RISD welcomes Thelma Golden, director and chief curator of the Studio Museum of Harlem, to join in conversation with the Center for Social Equity and Inclusion’s Teaching and Research Fellows Nichole T. Rustin and Zoé Samudzi. Their discussion will traverse a range of topics related to Golden’s curatorial practice, the history and future of the @StudioMuseum in Harlem, and Black art in contemporary practice.
Join us on January 18, 2023 at 6 pm in the RISD Auditorium. The MLK Keynote is free and open to the public but registration is required. Register at, link in bio. Please consider donating non-perishable food items for the Center for Student Involvement’s MLK Week Food Drive. Volunteers will accept items in the auditorium lobby before the event. Donations will go to the RI Food Bank and the RISD food pantry.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; MLK Series; Equity; Justice; Democracy; Activism; Celebration; Privilege; Service; Learning; Inspiration; Intercultural Student Engagement; Residence Life; Community Service; Center for Student Involvement; Center for Social Equity and Inclusion; SEI; poster