Date of Award

Spring 6-2-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Architecture (MArch)



First Advisor

Hansy Better

Second Advisor

Anne Tate

Third Advisor

Jonathan Knowles


As a society we see the urban fabric as fragmentations. Spaces that are in front, behind and between. The urban landscape has been divided by boundaries of infrastructure and vehicular traffic. The pedestrian has been left behind. For the room the space between, I have studied these unwanted spaces and their commonalities. These spaces have become the keepers of our unwanted material. They are the impermeable landscape that roof drains lead to. These spaces are fragmented voids that tie together down narrow alleys and over streets. Why are these spaces undesired?

This thesis addresses the city of Providence, Rhode Island. A city built on religious freedom, and industrial wealth. A city historically riddled with organized crime, and corrupt government officials. The fabric of providence has been defined by its floods and hurricane devastation. The city is built on the canal infrastructure and sits in a flood zone. Why then do we hide our water? We direct the runoff to the back. To the space unseen. This thesis combines the movement of water with that of people. Creating a singular circulation. A circulation that travels over, around, and through a series of rain gardens.

The space between is seen as a room for water, and a room for society. Defragmenting the city into a continuous stream. A stream of spaces. Spaces that engage with the environment creating microclimates for people to enjoy the behind. For pedestrians to engage with their senses. Spaces for intrigue, exploration, and discovery. The sense of place and materiality connects the city dweller with their environment, themselves, and one another.

Included in

Architecture Commons



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