By Hand | Women & Books

In 1900 Charles Meunier, a French bookbinder, cast a pewter and bronze plaquette of an anonymous woman at a bookbinding sewing frame.  In the 1960s Warja Lavater started making wordless accordion books filled with symbols that would later be described as artists' books.  This exhibit explores women's roles in bookmaking at the turn of the 20th century from papermaking to book cover design to women as book artists' at the turn of the 21st century.  

Transforming Hate: an artists' book

Transforming Hate: an artists' book

True to Life

True to Life

Mourning/Warning. Numbers and Repeaters

Mourning/Warning. Numbers and Repeaters

It Wasn't Little Rock

It Wasn't Little Rock

Some Recent Happenings

Some Recent Happenings

Popular Entertainments

Popular Entertainments

The Cursive Scandinavian Salve

The Cursive Scandinavian Salve

A Filliou Sampler

A Filliou Sampler



Ritual: A Book of Primitive Rites and Events

Ritual: A Book of Primitive Rites and Events

The Twin Plays : Port-au-Prince & Adams County Illinois

The Twin Plays : Port-au-Prince & Adams County Illinois